Wednesday 13 October 2010

All the bla-bla-bla terminology

What is an eurosceptic? The very word is overtly reminiscent of Newspeak. Hog-wash I say, the term is nothing less than pure EU-brainwashing terminology.

The EU can define all the bla-bla-bla terminology they wish for between themselves, but they may not cook-up that which describes their dissenters. That's for me, and my like, to define.

I am an EU dissenter, I am an EU atheist. I am not an EU agnostic.

To describe anyone and everyone who is not just a lock, stock and barrel EU zombie (or grubby-fingered benefactor) by use of such a handy little catch-all catch-phrase terminology as 'sceptic' is more than just a lazy writer's falsehood. It is a contribution to the EU's PR brainwashing agenda. A cog in the grinding-wheel, consciously granted or not.

The term 'sceptic' is a detractor devised to take-away any depth of objection from those who call-out against the imposition of this undemocratic tyranny to which our so called political representatives fain nothing but the most feeble and tepid of stances.

sceptic - a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions
doubt - a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction - archaic fear; be afraid
rhetoric - the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques - language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content

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